What is the Mesoamerican Development Institute?
Our mission is the design and implementation of sustainable technologies and biodiversity-friendly production methods in collaboration with small producers for rural productive applications.
Mesoamerican Development Institute (MDI) is a nongovernmental organization with offices in Massachusetts and Honduras. MDI specializes in technology transfer and market development; we introduce renewable energy innovations for agro-productive industry to restore environments and improve income for practitioners in rural Mesoamerica.
MDI is a Co-Manager of Pico Pijol National Park and proponent of the Yoro Biological Corridor Initiative in Honduras working to restore forest habitat in the coffee regions surrounding threatened national parks. MDI envisions public/private partnerships that supports new opportunities for coffee producers and local workforce in transitioning to carbon-neutral production and processing.

Increase Sustainability in the Coffee Industry
Increase Support for Honduras Coffee Farmers
Increase Development in Forest-Friendly Farming Systems
“Our results suggest that widespread adoption of IOC coffee could have a transformative effect in tropical agricultural landscapes by increasing forest cover while allowing for high agricultural yields.”
– Chandler et al. 2013. Conservation Biology Volume 27, pages 785-795

Through research and development the Mesoamerican Development Institute (MDI) is on the path to make some big changes in the coffee industry. The team has introduced solar/biofuel industrial scale drying technology. The renewable energy technology gets red of the need to burn wood during the drying process. MDI is also preparing to scale up our model of coffee cultivation that restores and conserves forest habitat on private lands (coffee farms). The method called Integrated Open Canopy™ (IOC) is coupled with carbon-neutral processing to provide carbon offsets as incentive for adoption. Forest-friendly coffee production and processing in harmony with threatened national parks in Honduras is foundation of our Café Solar® coffee program.
Learn More About Our Solar Processed Coffee!
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