
Faculty & Student Collaboration in Innovations in Sustainable Production & Processing through the Care Solar® Brand at UMass Lowell

George Joseph
Associate Professor of Accounting
Manning School of Business, University of Massachusetts, Lowell

La Nueva Visión del SINAPH y su Operatividad con la Iniciativa del Corredor Biológico

Presentación subtemas:


2) DIBIO – VISION MODERNA DEL SINAPH por Rene Soto (director DIBIO) (15 min).

3) MDI – Mercados y el Bienestar Social: Oportunidades en los Mercados Mundiales con la Denominación del Corredor Biológico Yoro y con un Respaldo Científico. Desarrollo por Richard Trubey (10 minutos)

4) MDI – Introducción del Tema: VISION MODERNA DEL SINAPH Y SU OPERATIVIDAD INICIAL CON EL CBY: desarrollo conceptual y planteamiento del problema (10 minutos) Raúl Raudales.

5) MDI – Estado actual de las cuencas hidrográficas y el impacto en la disponibilidad del Agua, por Martin Murillo y Kelly Díaz (10 min).

6) ¿Por qué la Biodiversidad genera producción sostenible? Por Fabiola Rodríguez (10 minutos)

Field Analysis of Wilson’s Warbler Captured on Coffee Farm Near Pico Pijol National Park

Field techniques for measurements and analysis of the Wilson’s Warbler (Cardellina pusilla), a resident bird captured in a mist net on a coffee farm near Pico Pijol National Park. Researchers: Dario Alvarado and David Murillo. Filmed by Caz Taylor (Tulane University)
Yoro, Honduras

Field Analysis of Slate-throated Whitestart Captured on Coffee Farm Near Pico Pijol National Park

Field techniques for measurements and analysis of the Slate-throated Whitestart (Myiborus miniatus), a resident bird captured in a mist net on a coffee farm near Pico Pijol National Park. Researchers: David Murillo and Dario Alvarado. Filmed by Caz Taylor (Tulane University)
Yoro, Honduras

Integrated Open Canopy Presentation with Dr. David King, 5 March 2019

Design and Implementation of a Market-based, Scalable Mechanism for Forest Conservation in the Coffee Growing Regions of Central America
Dr. David King, Northern Research Station, US Forest Service

Presentación Con Luis Herrera, Departamento de Biología, UNAH VS Sobre Parque National Pico Pijol

Lic. Luis Herrera B., Docente Investigador, Departamento de Biología UNAH-VS con Raul Raudales de Mesoamerican Develpment Institute.
Produced and Directed by Kelssin Ivan Vasquez Landa, Presencia Universitaria – Periódico UNAH


Presentation Recorded and Produced by Presencia Universitaria – Periódico por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras (UNAH).
Producer and Director: Kelssin Ivan Vasquez Landa

MDI/UMass Consortium Field Seminars in Subirana, Yoro Honduras

The nonprofit Mesoamerican Development Institute (MDI) conducts field workshops for faculty of the National Autonomous University of Honduras (UNAH) at Fair Trade Cooperative COMISUYL in Subirana, Yoro, Honduras. MDI’s innovations in coffee processing using clean technology and biodiversity-friendly production methods are presented by MDI’s Director of Research and Planning, Raul Raudales, along with our student researchers from the University of Massachusetts (UMass) and (UNAH). The efforts are part of a developing research collaboration.

The research and seminars involve the producer communities of Cooperative COMISUYL and the farmer-owned Biocombustibles de Yoro, S.A. (BYSA), producers of Jatropha oil. Supporters of the research and seminars include the US Fish & Wildlife Service, USDA Forest Service International Programs, National Science Foundation, University of Massachusetts Lowell and Amherst, and Humanist Institute for Cooperation with Developing Nations (HIVOS).


Try The Sustainable Coffee Created From The Mesoamerican Development Institute Research

  • It is the first coffee to be processed using 100%  clean, renewable energy (solar and locally produced biofuels).
  • Conserves and/or restores forest habitat on private lands (coffee farms) to maintain healthy watersheds.
  • Supports coffee production and processing in harmony with threatened national parks.


Donate To the Research!

Your Funding Helps with:

  • Increasing sustainability in the coffee industry using innovative clean energy technology and forest-friendly farming methods.
  • Helping independent farmer organizations by providing economic security, valuable training and better job opportunities.
  • Supporting women in important management positions in Central America.