The Mesoamerican Development Institute (MDI) will present on our alternative development model using clean technology to dry and process coffee at a symposium to address the environmental emergency associated with forest loss due to conventional coffee drying.
“Currently the region of Central America is the world’s second largest coffee producing region, producing high-quality arabica coffee, and environmental impact due to the intensity of energy use has increased, from state of crisis in the past 20 years to a level emergency, due to the sudden increase in production by growing coffee market.”
“Given the environmental and economic crisis affecting many of our countries, and the planet in general, expressed by climate change, we urgently seek new alternative technologies to improve the efficiency of industrial processes and reduce the environmental and economic impact of these processes.”
“In this sense the symposium is to present alternatives related technological coffee drying that offer opportunities to introduce sustainable processes, environmentally and economically.”
The symposium is sponsored by the Café Forestal Foundation, together with the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (BCIE), the Coffee Institute of Costa Rica and Oiko-Credit (Cooperative Society Economic Development). The First National Symposium on Renewable Energy and Coffee Drying will be held on August 23, 2013, at the premises of the Coffee Research Center, CICAFE, located in Barba de Heredia, Costa Rica.