Global Warming, Climate Change and Coffee
How in the world could coffee be related to global warming and climate change issues? Coffee is delicious! It cant be affecting climate change.. you might think. Well unfortunately for us drinking coffee is playing a big role in ruining Mother Earth.
Every time You Drink a Cup Of Coffee Roughly 3 sq. cm of rainforest is destroyed
Holy smokes this can not be the truth! But it is, conventional coffee drying method consume thousands of acres of forest each year. Contributing hugely to deforestation. Since the coffee industry is one of the biggest out there this can not keep going on. That is Mesoamerican Development Institue (MDI) has created a method to cut out the firewood!

Our Method Keeps The Rainforest and Helps Stop Deforestation

Cafe Solar Sells The Non-firewood Dried Coffee
Cafe Solar is how this fantastic new technology is sold and expanded. Buying Cafe Solar coffee means your buying real organic and eco-friendly coffee as opposed to the main stream brands.